Posts Is this blog dead?

Is this blog dead?

Admission word…

It’s been quite a few months since the last post - as many as 6 (it’s scary!). By answering the question in the subject right away. Is not. I also don’t want it to be. You could say that I was constantly thinking about the blog and every week these thoughts were scrolling like “I’ll write a post about what I’ve been doing!”, Or “I’ll add a” Resources “tab on the blog for more beginners than me, or” I’ll do a marathon with Hack The Box. and I will share my knowledge.”

And here I must admit, I have a lot of ideas, even this confusion in my head did not give me enough focus to write this post, start a marathon. There was always an excuse like “Ah! Maybe I’ll make a container in Docker” / “I’ll program in bash! Then the BugBounty marathon”. This is obviously not a catastrophe of what I did. Because in the end, I didn’t completely stand still, although the holiday burnout made me understand that maybe having technical knowledge was not enough. I have a lot to improve in soft skills and constant self-improvement is my obsession: p.

Further Plans

But it’s worth making plans and when will the posts and these ideas resume! I warn you in advance that it will be after January 22nd. There are vocational exams for technical schools around these days. Rather, I want to contribute to it and have a free mindset of improvement. So let’s get down to business;)

  1. You will see the topic of how to host a blog on GitHub
  2. An overview of how to use Docker and docker-compose will appear, and an overview of the blackarch-zsh project. Which I think is a much better solution than the resource-hungry Kali Linux in the Virtual Machine
  3. There will be an overview of the bugbounty-framework-project and encouragement to automate tasks using programming languages
  4. Overview of the Worldwide ITSec Specialists project will appear
  5. After that / Be and in progress I think we’ll start with a bang by doing Hack The Boxy and THM (if you win prizes on Advent of Cyber ​​2
  6. I will also discuss the subject of Bug-Hunting, my motivational crap (; P)
  7. Something I want to touch upon and discuss is the programming language “nim”, which is by principles elegant, expressive, effective, open-source, has a great community, and has an encouraging future. I’ve already read a bit about him ;) and I’m really excited!
  8. Other topics, not related to ITSec, such as language learning, music, playing the guitar, but in this, I have an even bigger Impostor-Syndrome than in ITSec hah, we’ll see, I have some valuable topics, although I am of course a constant student, not an expert :)
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